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Tips and Tricks for improving your Triathlon Cycle Training

Triathlon was developed as a very fast grown sport, especially after the first recorder triathlon on September 24th, 1974 in California, which was organized by the San Diego Track and Field Club at Mission Bay. One of the amazing features of the Triathlon is that it is fit for all age groups. The traditional triathlon events are sports are divided into the category of 5 years of age. Anyone of any age, regardless of his or her experience and ability can take part in Triathlon sports.

 One of the famous triathlon sports is cycling. There are certain things one must remember to improve triathlon cycle training. Some of them are listed below.


Stamina and Warm-ups

 For Triathlon as a whole, one of the most important essentials is stamina and another is the strength. Keep your diets healthy and nutritious. Avoid junk foods and air foods are much as possible. Whenever you eat, do not eat too much and do not eat too less. Warm up for about 20 minutes of gentle spinning. Warm up, until your legs become loose. Then you are ready to head ahead.


Efficient Cornering

 Another most important skill for every biker to improve triathlon bike performance is the ability and skill of cornering efficiently and smoothly. This will save a lot of your valuable time (seconds), keep you safe, and secure as well. The key is to go from the far side from the apex of the corner of the road and over to the other side of the road while exiting. When you are proficient with cornering skills, you will have much less chance or having accidents while taking a turn and take fewer brakes while not considering your acceleration.  Keep your eyes around, rather than just down at your front wheel and stay as stable as possible. Doing so will decrease the risk of accidents.


Stepwise pacing

 After you are done with warm up and your legs are loose enough, you should ride in a race pace for two minutes and follow up with gentle recovery the other two minutes. Keep on repeating this sequence for four to five times. The number of repetitions you actually need depends upon the time you have for training and your fitness overall. Gradually increase your pace and be determined to increase your pace up a little every time you train yourself. Do not work too fast while on the two minutes’ blocks. It is very important that you still feel fresh enough for the faster stuff at the end. Keep your upper body firm and relaxed.


Practice, Practice

 The main key to training yourself for better cycling (or almost anything) is PRACTICE. While practicing, be sure to practice staying as stable as possible. Learn cornering skills and be aware of what is around. Most people look down at the front wheel while cornering which leads to accidents, as they are not aware of what is around and what is coming.